30. März 202425. August 2024Applied Neurology, Dance, Entertainment Movement Refinement – bringing Functional Neurology to Dance For three weeks, we embarked on an exciting and groundbreaking journey at the SPED in São Paulo, Brazil, where we introduced a […]
27. Juni 20234. Juli 2023Allgemein, Applied Neurology, Dance Z-Health® Master Practitioner I am proud to represent Z-Health® as a Master Practitioner and introduce this unique approach from the field of Applied Neurology, to […]
1. November 201815. März 2023Dance, Entertainment 2. North America Tour with BORDERLINE The NewYorkTimes raved about this awesome piece and the outstanding wire effects… read the review!
28. Februar 201811. März 2020Dance, Entertainment 1. US-Tour BORDERLINE in 2018 We enjoyed a grand tour and are looking forward to the autumn tour, taking us from New York all the way to […]
15. Dezember 201711. März 2020Dance, Entertainment BORDERLINE – WangRamirez Alister is proud to have become a performing member of the renowned and globally operating dance company WangRamirez. In 2018 tour locations […]
21. Mai 201511. März 2020Dance, Entertainment, Technology Dirty Driving – Alister did some ‘Dirty Driving‘ with an AMG S63 and a Vito, for this Mercedes spot (coordinated by Double Action)
19. September 201311. März 2020Applied Neurology, Dance, Entertainment, Technology Precision Driving Regular training is essential…and regular fun, too 🙂